Meet Rebecca
“I feel I am a good role model to the children and am caring for their needs. I get on with all staff and am a good team player. Mostly, I love to be around the children to watch them develop, learn and grow within the time we have them before they go to school or home.”
relevant Qualifications and training
Level 3 BTEC National Diploma
Atlas for health and safety coordinators
Basic Food Safety awareness
Channel general awareness
Fire extinguisher use
Fire Marshall
Fire safety, hand hygiene for care
Food safety in catering
Infection control, health and safety awareness
Keeping children safe & child protection (DSL)
Manual handing
Paediatric first aid
Prevent duty
Manual handling
Risk assessment awareness
Social distancing-COVID-19
The new Ofsted inspection framework
Young Persons in the Workplace.
Quick fire Questions…
What’s your favourite book?
What’s the first concert you attended?
What’s your favourite movie?
What was your first job?
What was your favourite subject in school?
What’s your hidden talent?
Who’s your celebrity/ character look a like?
If you had to eat one thing for every meal going forward, what would you eat?
If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes, whose would they be?
What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid?
What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
One thing you cannot live without?
A song you know off by heart?
Have you got any children and/or pets?
What would your spirit animal be?
What matters most in life according to you?
What’s your favourite smell?