Meet Kerry
“Initially I chose childcare because of my passion for teaching. When you teach a child something, their reaction is glorious! I am a person that enjoys change and within childcare no two days are the same. I am also creative and feel I am a positive and motivated member of our team.”
relevant Qualifications and training
Foundation Degree Early Years Childhood Studies
BTEC National Caring services Nursery Nursing
ELKLAN 'Communication Counts 0-3's
Advanced Supervision in the EYFS
Appraisal-How to conduct an effective appraisal
Are you ready for your Ofsted Inspection
Basic Child Development for 2-year-olds
Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace-A practical guide for Employees
Business Support Planning
Channel General Awareness
Communication Champion
Coronavirus COVID-19
Coronavirus-Working in a Covid World
COSHH Awareness
CPR Awareness
Designated Safeguard lead (DSL)
DSE Display Screen Equipment
Epilepsy Awareness
Fire Awareness
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Marshall
Fire Safety
First AID
Food Hygiene
GDPR Workshop for Nurseries
Hand Hygiene for Care
Hate Crime Awareness
Infection Control
Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage
Introduction to Supervision with Appraisals in EYFS
Keeping Children Safe & Child Protection
Leading and Managing the EYFS
Learning & Development: Getting it Right in 2022
Listening to Young Children Seminar
Lone Working module
Long & Short Term Sickness absence
Management & Leadership
Management Development
Manual Handling
Mental Health Awareness
Modern Slavery
Online Bolton Reading
Online Safety in Early Years
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Prevent Duty
Raising Boys Achievement
Risk Assessment
Social & Emotional Aspects of Development
Social Distancing-COVID-19
Stress in the Workplace
Supervised Toothbrushing
Supporting Positive Behaviour in Early Years
Young Persons in the Workplace
Quick fire Questions…
What’s your favourite book? The Island.
What’s the first concert you attended? Smurfs - Beautiful South.
What’s your favourite movie? Leap year.
What was your first job? Carr’s Pasties.
What was your favourite subject in school? History.
What’s your hidden talent? Irish dancing.
Who’s your celebrity/ character look a like? I’ve been told I use to look like Jackie Farnham from Brookside.
If you had to eat one thing for every meal going forward, what would you eat? Salads.
If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes, whose would they be? Albert Einstein.
What’s the first career you dreamed of having as a kid? Childcare.
What’s your favourite thing to do in your spare time? Shopping.
One thing you cannot live without? Hoover.
A song you know off by heart? A million love songs.
Have you got any children and/or pets? Two children (Charlie and Aine) and two cats (Socks and Alfie).
What would your spirit animal be? Cat.
What matters most in life according to you? Being happy.
What’s your favourite smell? Tarmac.